Dynastic racism.. Houthi efforts to dilute the case of the medical martyr in Dhamar
English - Tuesday 03 October 2023 الساعة 10:22 am
The case of the murder of a medical student at Dhamar University, central Yemen, Jamaan Al-Sami’i, has entered a new week amid deliberate procrastination by the Houthi security services in delivering the case file to the judicial authorities to decide on the crime that shook the Yemeni street.
Student sources at the Faculty of Human Medicine at Dhamar University revealed that the Houthi militias - Iran's arm in Yemen - are seeking to dilute the case of the killing of the student Jamaan Al-Sami'i - one of the honors students - who was deliberately killed by a Houthi gunman more than a week ago.
A number of students said that they received alerts and notices from the dean of the college and the university presidency loyal to the Houthi militias to stop any escalation or protests demanding justice for their colleague Jamaan Al-Sami’i, who was killed by a Houthi member inside the campus of Al-Wahda Teaching Hospital in the city of Ma’bar.
The student sources added that the Deanship of the College and the University Presidency announced the return to study at the College to the previous situation and the end of any protests or solidarity activities with the hearing student. Amidst a state of denunciation and anger among the students, who have been waiting for a week for any security action to transfer the case file to the judiciary and retribution against the killer.
The announcement stated: “We call on all faculty members, their assistants, and students to adhere to working hours. Study continues according to schedules and study plans, and no excuse is accepted.”
According to the sources, the deanship and the presidency of the university loyal to Al-Houthi held a protest last week inside the university campus in order to absorb the students’ anger and quell any protests that the students intended to carry out outside the university walls to pressure the Houthi militias to expedite the litigation procedures and decide the case.
The announcements and publications of the university presidency and the college dean were denounced by many medical students and the University of Dhamar, who demanded major escalation measures in order to champion the case of the hearing student and not allow it to be diluted until justice and retribution are achieved against the killer who is currently with the security authorities loyal to the Houthis in Dhamar.
According to sources close to Al-Sami'i's family, the security services affiliated with the Houthi militias are delaying moving the case file and handing it over to the Public Prosecution in order to begin litigation procedures, especially since the heinous crime has become an issue of public opinion. Explaining that the perpetrator is from a well-known and prominent family in the Houthi militias who call themselves “the dynasty,” and the militias are trying hard to dilute the issue, starting with suppressing the student protests and isolating them from the street.
The journalist, Abdullah Al-Sami, said in a post on his Facebook page: The Houthi security director of Jahran promised to refer the perpetrator for criminal investigation and then to the prosecution, in preparation for a speedy trial and the implementation of retribution, especially since the crime was documented and the perpetrator also confessed in audio and video that he committed the crime, but this promise was not fulfilled. Implemented so far.
He added: Today, the Houthi security director of Dhamar calls on students to stop the protests and form a student committee to communicate with him, and threatens to suppress the protests.
Al-Sama'i explained: The crime is an issue of public opinion and all its procedures must be expedited and not procrastinated or delayed, adding: "The protests will stop with the execution of the killer, so there is no need for attempts to dilute the case and absorb the anger of Jamaan's colleagues over the killing of their colleague."
Dr. Juman, an honors student at the Faculty of Human Medicine at Dhamar University, was shot at dawn on Sunday, September 24, by a Houthi militant named Abdullah Abdulaziz Sharaf Al-Mutawakkil, 30 years old, nicknamed “Abu Yaqoub Al-Bannus.” The student was attacked while he was in the hospital for the practical application that preceded his graduation from college.
The incident sparked a state of widespread public discontent and anger, as the killer belonged to the Al-Mutawakkil family, which is one of the prominent Houthi families. This highlights the insistence of the Houthi militias to prevent any student protests and threaten students with expulsion and exclusion under the justification of obstructing the educational process and ongoing examinations.
The Houthi militias, through the judiciary under their control, always resort to procrastination in litigation and trial procedures for members and leaders affiliated with them accused of serious criminal cases. As well as exercising pressure, blackmail and threatening the families of the victims in order to drop the cases filed.